Module Wiring Evaluation Sheet

Revised June 24, 2009

Table: Left ____ Right ____

Name                                                                                          Date                        

A. Cables

     1. Two Double lead Red and Yellow Main Wiring Cables                                       Accepted ____

            Length correct (5')    Red ____   Yellow ____


            Wire size correct (14 or 16) and stranded    Red ____   Yellow ____


            Cable discrimination marks present on both ends   Red ____   Yellow ____




    2. Power Distribution to Red (eastbound or front) Main Track Correct          Accepted ____

            Marked lead to front rail ____   Two drop leads to each rail ____




    3. Power Distribution to Yellow  (west or rear) Main Track Correct  Accepted ____

            Marked lead to front rail ____  Two drop leads to each rail ____




    4. Cinch-Jones plugs Installed Correctly        Accepted ____

            Red cable:   Female socket to left ____     Marked side of cable connected to wide

                                                                                spade of male plug and wide socket of

                 Spring clip cable retainers _____             female plug _____


            Yellow cable: Female socket to left ____   Marked side of cable connected to wide

                                                                                 spade of male plug and wide socket of

                Spring clip cable retainers _____               female plug _____





            5. All track joints with soldered joiners _____                                                        Accepted _____


            6. All four end rail joiners present at right end of module table _____                   Accepted _____





B. Overall evaluation acceptance           Yes________        No _______      Date _________________


            Evaluator’s signature ____________________________________


            Evaluee’s signature ______________________________________


Module Construction
