Minutes of business meetinG

October 05, 2020



Draft Minutes


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.

   Members attending: President Charles Tucker, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little.

   Members: Richard Simmons, Gerald Russo, Bob Tribble, Banks Edwards


A. Announcements

    1. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at the Clubhouse on Nov. 11, 2020. Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

   2. The next work session(s) will be at scheduled at the next meeting.

   3. Thanks to Bill for cooking at meetings.


B. Informal minutes of the previous meeting of September 28, 2020 were read by Gerald Russo.

    1. The minutes were moved and accepted.

    2. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.

       a) As of this date there is $2,230.78 in the treasury.

     3.      The report was moved and accepted as presented.


D. Old Business

   1. Status report pending on the engine facility, turntable and bridge.

   2. Need list of repairs for current modules, and any bad track on modules.

   3. Need to solder module track ends in order to protect them from damage.


E. New Business

   1. Need training session on engine facility

   2. Discussion to construct background information form to be completed by club members.

   3. Outside Fair exhibits and Railfest for 2020 have been cancelled.

   4. Need #10 cans for bases of rope stanchions.

   5. Pending information on Ronald McD’s House and NAS Christmas displays.

   6. Need old newspaper for BBQ starter.

   7. Update on current health status of Mrs. Donna Grenot.

   8. Next run session: 10/12, 17, 22, & 29.

       a. Please let Bill know if you plan to attend any of the run sessions.

   9. Concerns for all club members and their families.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm


Reported by: Gerald Russo


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