Minutes of the Business Meeting

June 7, 2016 


The business meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by President Reed Ostrander


Officers attending were Vice President Steve Grenot, Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little. Members attending were Howard Cowgill and Rick Simmons. We had one guest, Doug Fountain.


I. Reading of the Minutes

A. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read by Chip. The approval of the minutes was moved by Rick, seconded by Steve and approved by those members in attendance.


II. Treasurer’s Report

A.     The Treasurer’s report was read to the club by Bill Little reporting that the current balance is $1,217.19.

a.       All members’ dues are now paid.

b.       The approval of the report was moved by Rick, seconded by Steve and approved by the membership.


III. Announcements

A.     The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday July 5th .

a.       Members can arrive at 5:30pm to grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains.

                                                   i.            Hot Dogs & Hamburgers & the trimmings will be provided.

                                                 ii.            You can also bring your own food to grill, a covered dish or desert. There will be drinks or BYOB.

b.       Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street.

                                                   i.            Disabled members can use the gate at the front of the house.

B.     The next Run Session will be held at 6:00pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday June 28th.

a.       Members can arrive at 5:00pm to grill and eat dinner, then run trains.

                                                         i.      Hot Dogs & Hamburgers & the trimmings will be provided.

                                                       ii.      You can also bring your own food to grill, a covered dish or desert. There will be drinks or BYOB.

b.       Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street.

                                                         i.      Disabled members can use the side gate at the front of the house.

C.     The Pensacola Interstate Fair Appreciation Kick-Off Dinner will be on Tuesday June 21st.

a.       The time will be at 6:30pm.

b.       The location is at the Fairgrounds, Expo Hall.

c.       The dress code is casual attire and it’s acceptable to wear your Club shirt.

d.       All Clubs members and their spouses are invited. Bill will send out an email to RSVP.


IV. Old Business

A.     Status of the Roundhouse Modules

a.    Setting up servos begun, first four completed and operational.

b.    To Do List

                                                               i.      Setup roundhouse track

                                                             ii.      Repair roundhouse

                                                            iii.      Complete track work for diesel house

                                                           iv.      Need completed buildings soon

                                                             v.      Addition of scenery

B.     Schedule of Upcoming Events

a.    Dothan AL Train Show

                                                              i.      Saturday & Sunday, September 17th & 18th

                                                             ii.      Setup on Friday, September 16th

b.   Flomaton Train Show

                                                              i.      Saturday, September 24th

                                                             ii.      Setup on Friday, September 23rd

c.    Mobile Train Show

                                                              i.      Saturday & Sunday, October 8th & 9th

                                                             ii.      Setup on Friday, October 7th

d.   Pensacola Interstate Fair

                                                              i.      Thursday, October 20th to Saturday, October 29th

                                                             ii.      Setup on Sunday October 16th

                                                            iii.      Take down on Sunday October 30th

e.   Pensacola Train Show at the Hadji Shrine

                                                              i.      Saturday & Sunday, November 18th & 19th

                                                             ii.      Setup on Friday November 17th

C.     Club shirts were handed out to those members that ordered one.

D.     Reed discussed that there would be a NMRA Regional event the weekend of June11th in Huntsville AL. and a pending NMRA Division 4 Meet hopefully in Pensacola.

E.      Chip mentioned that the Tallahassee Train Show is June 25th at the North Florida Fairgrounds and handed out some flyers to the members.


V. New Business

A.     Reed discussed the purchase of a Digitrax “Zephyr” throttle control for the roundhouse.

a.       An alternate would be a long cable from the power cabinet.

B.     Reed gave a demonstration of the first turnouts run by servos on the Roundhouse Module

a.       Rick gave it a try with Reed’s coaching.

C.     Chip demonstrated to the Club how to build removable coal loads.

D.     For the July 5th meeting Chip will demonstrate how to create rubber molds and make resin castings.


VI. Club Welfare

A.     There was nothing to report.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm


Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division


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