Minutes of the Business Meeting

of May 2, 2017



The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Reed Ostrander.


Officers attending were President Reed Ostrander, Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little. Members attending were Howard Cowgill, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Andrew Keiderling, Sean O’Brien, Rick Simmons and Charles Tucker


I. Reading of the Minutes

A. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read by Chip.

1.      Rick made a motion to accept the minutes, Charles seconded and the minutes were approved by the membership.


II. Treasurer’s Report

A.     The Treasurer’s report was read to the club by Bill reporting that the current balance has remained the same as last month at $2005.58.

1.      Charles made a motion to accept the minutes, Rick seconded and the report was approved by the membership.


III. Announcements

A.     The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday

June 6th 2017. Members can run trains before and after the meeting.

B.     The 1st Run Session will be held at 6:00pm at Bill’s Train Shed on May16th 2017.

C.     The 2nd Run Session will be held at 6:00pm at Bill’s Train Shed on May 23rd 2017.

At the monthly business meeting and run sessions Bill provides hot dogs & hamburgers with all the trimmings. You can also bring your own food to grill, a cover dish or desert. There will be drinks or BYOB. Members can arrive at 5:30 pm to grill and eat dinner. Please park and use the gate on the side street. Disabled members can use the gate at the front of the house.

All members are encouraged to RSVP so Bill can anticipate the headcount.


D.     The next Work Sessions will be on Saturday, May 6th, May13th May 20th and May 27th at 11:00 am at Bill’s Train Shed. We will be working on the roundhouse module, focusing on scenery, ballast, etc.


IV. Old Business

A.     Nearly ready to start finish work on roundhouse side of roundhouse module which will finish the roundhouse mods. Wiring is still in progress.

a.       Should happen in 2 - 3 weeks

B.     Status of new yard module construction

a.       Jerry has spent $100 in wood

b.      Two 30” x 48” modules are about 90% complete.

c.       All track is on order from Tucker Train Supply.

                                                               i.      Should be in this coming week.

d.      Will need to build a cart to transport the 5 modules.

V. New Business

A.     Interest in going to Tallahassee show?

a.       Reed

b.      Bill (but, depends on date)

c.       Chip

d.      Andy

e.       Charles

B.     Probable fall show schedule

a.       Dothan  - second weekend in September

b.      Flomaton - last weekend in September

c.       Mobile show (possibly in new venue in Foley) first or second week in October

d.      4. Interstate Fair - last 2 weeks in October

e.       5. Hadji show - December 2 & 3

f.        NAS children’s Christmas party?

C.     How to use the DigiTrax 400d or 500d hand controller.

a.       Bring one of these with you so you can practice.

b.      Everyone will be expected to know how to run the roundhouse modules when part of a show layout

D.     Future Presentations

a.       June 6th 2017, Chip will give a presentation on WWII Armored Trains.

b.      July 11th 2017, Charles will do a demo on G-scale live steam

E.      Charles made a motion to increase funding by $200 for the Roundhouse module so that Jerry can continue without interruption.

a.       Bill seconded and the motion was approved by the membership.

F.      Bill made a motion to stop referring to the building his layout is in as “Bill’s Train Shed” and begin calling it “PRMC HO Clubhouse” or simply the Clubhouse.

a.       Charles seconded the motion was approved by the membership.


VI. Club Welfare

A.     The club had nothing to report.


Charles made the motion to end the meeting. It was seconded by Bills and approved by all present. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm


Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division